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Professionals and families

Hard-working professionals and families are constantly balancing their responsibilities and time.

With only so many hours in the day, finding time to secure your family's financial future can be challenging. From lending and investing to planning your superannuation strategy, let Prosperity Wealth + Advice maximise your outcomes and free up your time.

Refinancing home & investment loans

Making extra or higher repayments, finding lower interest rates and swtiching to offset accounts are just a few ways to reduce your debt faster. Let us help pay off your mortgage sooner and take the financial load off your shoulders.

Income protection

Let's do some quick maths. A professional who averages $70,000 income p.a. will earn over $3,000,000 during their lifetime. That's a lot! While some things are replaceable, lost income is not. Safeguard your earnings and livelihood with income protection.

Building your superannuation

Retirement may seem like a while away, but every professional should take time to set up their future. Developing a solid superannuation strategy now can earn you hundreds of thousands of dollars when you retire


Getting starting with Investing

Are you more likely to keep spare cash flow or store your money in savings? Why not both? Give yourself options down the track by building wealth outside of your home, assets and superannuation.

Life Insurance

Losing a family member is hard enough; ensure your loved ones have the financial stability to continue if you were to pass away. Prosperity Wealth + Advice can help safeguard your family's livelihood in the event of death.

What our clients are saying

Financial Advice is provided by Brett Grocke Authorised Representative No. 1238827 and Prosperity Wealth + Advice Pty Ltd ACN 649 470 646 Corporate Authorised Representative No 1286740 of InterPrac Financial Planning Pty Ltd (AFSL 246638). Credit Advice is provided By Brett Grocke Authorised Credit Representative No. 537255 and of Interprac Finance Services Pty Ltd (ACL 388051).

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